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Cedar Park Youth League

Cedar Park Youth League


Cedar Park Youth League (CPYL) is a non-profit organization run by volunteers that has been providing youth in the Cedar Park area an opportunity to play softball and baseball at a variety of skill levels since 1974. The league handles boys and girls ages 4 –18 (league age 4-18) and provides both baseball and softball.  The league has two seasons, Fall Ball, Spring Ball and All-stars (held following the Spring Season). 

League Age: A player’s league age is determined by how old they will be on a specific date.  
Baseball league age is based on the player’s age as of April 30, Current Year.   

Seasons / Games

The league plays two seasons, Fall Ball and Spring Ball.  The Fall Season plays 8 or more games from September – October; teams usually have 2-3 outings per week including 1 game per week.  The Spring Season plays 12 or more games March-May; teams usually have 3-4 outings per week including 1 or 2 games per week.  The Spring Season is followed up with post-season All-Stars for recreation baseball (Centex Tournament).  4-year old teams will play a 6-8 game schedule and will meet no more than three times a week (games and practices).

Games are played throughout the week and weekends; Fall Ball is played primarily on weeknights with some weekend games if needed.  Sunday’s are typically non-play days but have been used in the past for rain make-ups, tournaments, and occasionally scheduled games.  There are typically two games played per night on each of the fields; games start no earlier than 6:00 PM.  Depending on the age group the second game will start at 7:15, 7:30, 7:45 or 8:00.  

Park Regulations

The Board of Directors will not tolerate abusive language, use of drugs, alcoholic beverages or tobacco and e-cig/vaporizer use within the facilities of CPYL. The use of profanity, loss of temper or abuse of equipment will NOT be tolerated and will be grounds for immediate removal from the game by an umpire or league official. If required the Cedar Park Police Department will be contacted to aid in enforcement of all laws and city ordinances pertaining to governing the use of drugs, consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco or e-cig/vaporizer use, or violating the “NO TOLERANCE POLICY” on park premises and practice fields. The “NO TOLERANCE POLICY” is in effect at all times.  All visitors to CPYL facilities must adhere to all posted signs and comply with any requests from the board member on duty.

A coach, player, substitute, attendant or other bench personnel shall not: Use tobacco or tobaccolike products including e-cigs/vaporizers within the confines of the field. PENALTY: The umpire or league official shall give the offender one warning. Failure to comply with the warning shall result in ejection of the offender from the game. Failure to comply with the ejection shall result in the game being forfeited by the offender’s team and potential additional consequences as determined by the CPYL Baseball Committee or Board of Directors.

No pets are allowed on the CPYL park premises regardless of size. 

Field Maintenance

CPYL has contracted an organization to maintain all CPYL fields.  It is very important the fields are maintained correctly and this organization has been properly trained.  We kindly request all teams leave field maintenance to the resource(s) assigned.  In certain situations, CPYL may ask teams to help with field preparation but the request will be explicitly made by a commissioner.  


The purpose of CPYL is to help boys and girls to become good, decent citizens. It strives to inspire them with a goal and enrich their lives toward the day when they must take their place in society. It establishes for them the fundamentals of teamwork and play. The Board of Directors will look with utmost disfavor upon such activities by managers and coaches as instructing unsportsmanlike like behavior, players using negative “cheers” regarding their opponents and other activities that would be considered unsportsmanlike like. The principles of CPYL Baseball involve much more than just winning, and the Board expects those principles to be adhered to by all managers, coaches, players and parents at all times. 

Registration and Uniforms

Fall Ball registration begins in early June/July; Spring Ball registration begins in early November/December.  Players and coaches receive a team shirt and cap as part of the registration fee.  Teams typically then coordinate purchasing matching pants, belts and socks.  Information concerning registration can be found on the web page:  

Children must be registered in our league to be covered by our league insurance.  This insurance will carry over to any league approved tournaments outside our facility (to cover players participating in Centex All Star tournament and to cover our Select teams that travel to other are parks for games/tournaments). 

What Players Need

Players need to have their own batting helmet, bat, and glove.   It is also recommended that players have rubber cleats (metal cleats are ok for ages 13 & up in baseball), and baseball pants. Most players carry their gear in a bat bag.  8U/10U/12U/14U - Protective cups are required for all male catchers and recommended for all players. 

Team Duties

It is the manager’s responsibility to get team parents to fulfill team duties such as concession duty. If these duties are not covered, the manager will be reported to the commissioner and will face disciplinary action, i.e. Manager being suspended for one game and the team forfeiting their next game.  The Board of Directors looks to all parents and players to take an active role in maintaining and supporting the league and the facilities.  Players must clean-up dugouts after all games and practices.  

Each Team Manager and coach must create a profile at and complete the required courses for level "A" certification in the coach certification section.  Upon completion of the courses and agreement to the Code of Conduct a digital certificate will be issued.  Each Team Manager will be responsible for sending a digital copy of each certificate to the league commissioner in the age group that they are coaching in prior to beginning practice and/ or games with the their team.


Cancelled and Suspended Games

Any cancelled or suspended game will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Information concerning rescheduled games will be found on the web page:  Talk to your commissioner if you have questions.  Rainouts will be determined by the Board Member on Duty (BMOD) and posted on the web site by 5:00 PM on weeknights and 9:00 AM on weekends. Though every effort will be made to make up rainouts, it is possible that some games may not be made up due to logistical constraints

In all divisions, if a game is called for any reason during play, it is considered a completed game if four (4) innings have been completed or if the home team is ahead after 3 1/2 innings have been completed.  If the game is called before four (4) innings are completed and the home team is trailing, the game will be considered suspended and will resume at the next available date.  This game will continue from the last completed half inning.  The score will resume from the last completed half inning.  Any runs scored in the half inning when the game is called will not count.

If a game is called before the start of the third inning, the game will be rescheduled as a makeup game and will start over. 

Lightning Protocol

We recommend you monitor the weather prior to your practices, whether they are at our facility or not.  As practice time can be hectic, we recommend you ask a team parent to monitor the weather for you and inform you of approaching weather.  Inclement weather can show up out of nowhere.  If lightning is observed within 10 miles of the outdoor practice facility you are at,  you need to immediately clear the field and take shelter and you should not return until 30 minutes after the last strike within a 10 mile radius and all indications are clear that lightning has left the 10 mile safety area. 

If lightning occurs during games, whether visually observed or detected via device within 10 miles, the Board Member on Duty may communicate with the field umpires to suspend play.  Umpires may choose to suspend play at any time prior to receiving direction from a Board Member on Duty.  Once fields are cleared due to lightning, they will remain closed for at least 30 minutes and games may not begin until the Board Member on Duty has notified the umpires that play may resume.

Please remember to err on the side of caution with lightning. 

Infield Practices

Infield practice will consist of 10 minutes, if time allows, prior to the beginning of each game; 5 minutes for each team. The visiting team will be allowed to take infield practice first followed by the home team. Infield practice is a privilege and may be revoked or shortened at the umpire’s discretion due to field conditions and time constraints. 

Batting Cages

Batting cages are assigned to the visiting team 1 hour prior to game start time for 25 minutes and the home team immediately thereafter (35 minutes prior to start time) for 25 minutes.

For 8U, there are double cages located outside the outfield fence of Ebbets and Wrigley fields. During the one hour period prior to game start, each team is eligible to have use of a single, dedicated cage for the full hour.  In addition, softball has priority on the cages between the Diamond and Wrigley fields. 

NOTE: It is a REQUIREMENT that any child under the age of 18 MUST wear a batting helmet AT ALL TIMES while in the batting cage; this includes any kids who may be pitching BP (even if they are standing behind a protective screen).

Also, please do NOT allow players to take ‘practice swings’ outside the cage.  There are many kids walking around the cages during game times.  This is the responsibility of the coach to enforce.  


The league provides paid umpires for games at all levels except 4 year olds.  Umpires are in full charge of the game and are entitled to respect at all times from managers, coaches, players, parents and visitors. Any disorderly conduct from a manager, coach, player, parent or visitor that results in an ejection must adhere to the umpire’s judgment for the ejection. Any person ejected must leave the park immediately.  Failure to do so will result in the local police being contacted to have the person escorted out of the facility.  If an umpire ejects a manager or a coach, they may not be eligible to participate in future games.  The Board of Directors may suspend any person who verbally or physically contacts an umpire or league official in an abusive fashion from attendance in future games (refer to the CPYL No Tolerance policy). 

Umpire Communication Rule

Only the designated head coach is allowed to discuss/speak with umpires during the game regarding calls that occur on the play on the field. This is not designed as a rule to limit casual conversations between umpires & assistants rather limit discussions/arguments of calls/plays that occur on the field to ONLY the head coach and umpires.   Assistant coaches found in violation of this rule are subject to discipline from the umpire up to and including ejection. If the designated head coach is not at the game then an assistant coach will be assigned/designated and needs to notify the umpires during pre-game meeting.


Team practices may not be held unless two adults are present.  Practice times and number are up to the team manager and players.  Managers are encouraged to have 3-4 outings per week including games during the spring and 2-3 outings in the fall.  There are a number of practice fields in the area but please work with the local organization who maintains the field you would like to practice on for proper permissions. Practice time at CPYL on game fields must be scheduled through the commissioners.  Practice time on game fields is very limited. 4 year old teams are limited to three outings per week.

When a team is wanting to practice at a Leander Independent School District (LISD) facility, they MUST reserve a field through the Facility Rentals section on the LISD website. 

Player Selection

Player selection is completed through a “Draft System”.  For baseball, players wanting to play at the National League level must participate in the skill assessment or be on a team protection list.  The Baseball Operations Committee may increase the number of players on teams to accommodate unexpected applications or the lack of managers.  No player is allowed to play on 2 CPYL sponsored teams at the same time (temporary substitutions may be allowed by authorization of the league commissioner or tournament director). Players are allowed to play in occasional tournaments with other CPYL teams.  Select teams should be picked prior to the league draft.  

Roster changes / Player Trades

Once the draft has been completed player trades can be made.  This is typically done within one hour after the draft has been completed.  The Baseball Commissioner must approve the trade and update the roster sheet.  A final roster will need to be submitted to each commissioner by the designated date which will be final for the season.  Trades will not be allowed across the National and American League divisions except by special permission from the VP of Baseball Operations.  In the event that a player is lost for the season to an injury, it is up to each respective committee to approve any additions to the roster.   BORROWED PLAYER: During the Regular Season and EOS Playoffs – Teams with missing players can borrow CPYL registered players within the same Division or below (lower Age Group or lower Division). The borrowed player must bat last and play Outfield. The maximum number of borrowed players is three and the borrowing team cannot have any players on the Bench (6U/8U/10U/12U/14U nine fielders/zero bench). 

Bat Rule

  • All bats for age divisions 14U and younger must be permanently stamped with the USSSA 1.15 BPF, USA Bat, or BBCOR.50 Certified Mark or made of wood and manufactured by a licensed USSSA manufacturer.
  • 14U must use a drop 8 (-8) or less bat.
  • All bats must be commercially manufactured for baseball play.  Bats altered after manufacture to reduce or add weight will not be allowed. It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure compliance with this rule.
  • If a ball is put in play with an illegal bat, the result of the play will be a dead ball and the batter is out. 

On Field Coach Limits

Division Coaches Allowed Outside of the Dugout While Up to Bat Coaches Allowed Outside the Dugout While In the Field
 6U 4
 8U 4 4
 10U 3 3
 12U 3
 14U 3 3

Score Cards

Umpires will have scorecards to record scores, pitching and make other notes on the games and on the teams.  Coaches may be asked to fill out comment cards on umpires so we can make sure they are doing a good job. Coaches from both teams should capture a photo of the scorecard and either text or email their commissioner.

Baseball Structure & Rules

The baseball league is comprised of divisions; American, National & Select for 7U and up that allow players ages 4 14 to play at a skill level that helps them to be successful. The National Division can host up to 70% of the teams, the American Division hosts the remainder (30% or more).Each season there are some modifications to team classifications based on the number of players enrolled in the league. In the event that there are enough teams signed up in the NL division, it could be split into age specific groups. The Baseball Committee at its discretion may increase or decrease the number of team sat each division.

  • American 4-14 year olds - This level of play encompasses the recreational players and players new to the game. Players are grouped into mixed age group levels, 13 & 14, 11& 12, 9 & 10, 7& 8(Coach Pitch), 5 & 6(T-Ball) and 4 year olds (T-Ball). League games are played against other CPYL American League teams. Post-season play for selected players is the Centex All-Stars Division II.
  • National 5-14 year olds - This level is the more competitive league level for players age 5-14. Players are grouped into mixed-age group levels,13 & 14, 11 & 12, 9& 10, 7 & 8 (Coach Pitch), and 5 & 6(T-Ball). Players show above-average skills in their age group. Managers are encouraged to select the best players in the age group. These teams play league games against other CPYL National League teams throughout the season and occasionally inter-lock with other local leagues for a couple of games. Post-season play will be Centex All-Stars or at the team's expense Select tournaments. National League Managers must be a parent of a registered child/player on the team being managed. Paid coaches are not allowed and if discovered face disciplinary actions. Anon-parent managers may submit are quest in writing to the commissioner of the age group applying to manage in. The request will be reviewed for decision by the Baseball Committee which may include an in-person interview. The Baseball Committee does not have the authority to allow select managers or paid coaches the opportunity
  • Select (Ages T-ball & up) - This is for the most competitive players, typically involves traveling to other areas of the State or Country to play tournaments on weekends. Teams are usually age specific, i.e. 9U, meaning 9 and under. Travel, tournament costs and other expenses associated with Select baseball are not included in the players registration fee; these are the responsibility of the player and the team. These teams are handpicked by the Select Managers.

League Age Structure Summary: League age based on a players age as of April 30 of the current league year(spring current calendar year, or fall following calendar year)


Birth Date *




T-Ball (4 Year olds)

4 Y as of Apr30, Current Year 


T-Ball (5 & 6combined)

5 to 6 Y as of Apr30, Current Year



Coach Pitch (7& 8 combined)

7 to 8 Y as of Apr30, Current Year




Kid Pitch (9 & 10 combined)

9 to 10 Y as of Apr30, Current Year




11 & 12 year olds

11 to 12 Y as of Apr30, Current Year




13 & 14 year olds

13 to 14 Y as of Apr30, Current Year




  • Players may not play outside their designated age group s except as noted below.
  • Some age levels may not split divisions; it depends on the number of players registered.

Rules and Regulations

All leagues shall abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the National Federation of High School Baseball. Specialrules and exceptions also may be established for the leagues sponsored by CedarPark Youth League and adopted by its Board of Directors.

Included in this document are the baseball rules and regulations that have been modified by the Board of Directors. These are the special rules and exceptions that have been established for the baseball league at CPYL. The Board of Directors or Baseball Committee may publish any additional ground rules for all leagues at the beginning of each season. The Board of Directors and the BaseballCommittees reserve the right to add or change rules during the year for the betterment and/or safety of the program. During inter-league play,inter-league rules if provided will supersede local rules; otherwise, local rules are in effect.

Player Protections

Managers will be allowed to protect the following number of players (refer to the chart below).

Player Protection forms for the National League must be submitted to the age specific League Commissioner complete with parent signatures on the scheduled due date. Player protection forms for the American League, with signatures from the parents, must be submitted to the age specific league Commissioner prior to the scheduled skills assessment. Forms turned in after the start of skill assessments will not be accepted. Select teams should submit their entire roster to the Baseball Commissioners prior to the skill assessment to make sure their players are not included in the draft. All players must be signed up with the league for insurance purposes. Sibling rule: If a coach is protecting one sibling (Example: twin or older brother) the nany sibling also playing in that same league must also be protected by the coach. Unless specified by the parents for them to not play on the same team.

League # Of Players per team Fall Season Spring Season







4 (T-Ball)





5 & 6(T-Ball)



Min 4 max 6*


Min 4 Max 6*

7 & 8 (Coach Pitch)



Min 9 max 10*


Min 9 Max 10*

9 & 10 (Kid Pitch)



Min 9 max 10*


Min 9 Max 10*

11 & 12 Year Olds



Min 9 Max 10*


Min 9 Max 10*

13 & 14 Year Olds



Min 9 Max 10*


Min 9 Max 10*


Select Teams

Pick entire team and determine the number of players to carry

NL teams MUST draft at least 1player.

*Due to the number of players in11 & up leagues in the Fall season only 1 division may be used. In the event where two divisions are used the National level shall follow the spring season protection rules. Tee ball may also default to only(1) division in the fall contingent upon number of registrations.

Skill Assessments

Skill assessments will be held each season for all leagues except 4U on a date specified by the Board. All players are encouraged to participate for the benefit of themselves and the league. Players wishing to play on a competitive National League team that is not on a Managers protection list must participate in the skills assessment (this does not guarantee the player will make a National League team). If a player does not attend skills assessment he/she will be assigned to an American League team. Players listed on a protectionist should not participate in the skill assessment. Players will be given an opportunity to hit, run, field, throw and catch.

Drafting Teams

Managers will be provided a list of eligible players for the skill assessment.

  • The draft will be a snake draft(first to last then last to first) starting in the first open round, unless otherwise listed below.
  • National League teams will draft any unfilled spots prior to American League draft.
  • Team selection order will be based on pulling a number from a hat, or other randomized process.
  • Only 2 representatives (manager and coach) from each team may participate in the draft.
  • Each team will be given 1 minute to make a selection.
  • Managers should announce the players draft number and name when making their selection.
  • All teams must provide a minimum of 2 volunteers during field day. Failure to comply could result in disciplinary actions.
  • In the event an age group league is comprised of a single/merged division, American League draft rules will apply.
  • For draft purposes only, 14U Will follow AL drafting rules.

National League Teams

  • A snake draft format will be used beginning in the round after the max # of protects (round 7 for6U, 11 for7-14U), starting with the manager who drew the first pick.
  • ALL divisions: missing protection slots will be filled after the final round. This will be in the snake draft order starting with the team with the least number of protects going into the draft
  • NL Managers will only be able to draft from players that attended skills assessment. Players that did not attend Skills Assessment will be placed in the American League. See Roster Changes / Player Trades above for additional details.
  • Must Draft at least 1 player.

American League Teams

  • For all American League teams, or when a single division is formed(no AL/NL division), the draft process will be adjusted to first allow any team with less than 6protects to draft players to achieve a roster of 6players prior to proceeding with the standard snake draft.
  • Teams with less than 6 protects will perform a modified draft in order starting with the lowest to highest number of protects, with the team(s) with fewest protects drafting until their roster equals the number of protects of the team(s)immediately following in ascending order, and will continue this process until all teams reach a total of 6players.
    Scenario - 6 teams with protect counts as below:
    • Manager A: 1 protect
    • Manager B: 2 protects
    • Manager C: 3 protects
    • Manager D: 5 protects
    • Manager E: 6 protects

    Draft Process:

    1. Manager A - draft 2 (3)
    2. Manager B - draft 1 (3)
    3. Manager C - draft 1 (4)
    4. Manager B - draft 1 (4)
    5. Manager A - draft 1 (4)
    6. Manager A - draft 1 (5)
    7. Manager B - draft 1 (5)
    8. Manager C - draft 1 (5)
    9. Manager D - draft 1 (6)
    10. Manager C - draft 1 (6)
    11. Manager B - draft 1 (6)
    12. Manager A - draft 1 (6)
      Move to standard snake draft
  • Once all teams have 6 players on their roster, the normal snaked raft process below will be performed to draft remaining players.
  • Once all kids who attended skills assessment have been drafted there remaining kids are assigned to the coaches in the snake draft order starting at the top of the numeric list (from oldest to youngest.)
  • The managers have 1 hour to make any trades and must turn in their final roster by the deadline or they automatically the roster they have and no changes can be made.
  • Players that register after the draft in the 5-12U groups will be added to the next team slated to pick a player.
  • 13-14U teams with fewer than 12players may add additional players (subject to commissioner approval) until the cutoff date for rosters.
  • The Baseball Commissioner may request personnel changes prior to the start of league play if it is in the best interest of the player and the league.
  • Managers are encouraged to honor player requests, especially in the Fall

End of Season Playoffs (EOS)

  • EOS Playoffs are a double-elimination tournament (unless there is a need to shorten due to time constraints). Seeding for the Playoffs will be determined by the regular-season standings.
  • The higher seed is the Home team. The Home team for the championship game will be the team that comes out of the winner's bracket (seeding does not matter).
  • All regular-season rotation and pitch count rules are in effect. Failure to follow the regular season rules will result in the forfeit of the game.
  • Regular season time limits apply to the championship game unless extra innings are needed.

Post Season Play

Post-season play is only applicable in the Spring Season. Prior to the end of the spring season, All-Star teams will be formed for the American and National Leagues (if enough players sign up) for all age levels to participate in the local Centex Tournament that usually plays the first four weekends in June. The total number of teams will be based on the number of teams in each league and the number of players that express interest in playing All-Stars. All expenses for All-Stars are paid for by the players and usually includes uniform and team registration fee into the Centex Tournament. Some teams also purchase bat bags and matching helmets. Players can expect to pay roughly $120 or more to participate in post-season play depending on how extravagant the team gets with equipment and uniforms.

Players will be selected on to All-Star teams in a voting process by the managers of each of the teams in the league. Players will declare themselves eligible in late April, which confirms to the league that they will be available to play baseball during the month of June and that they understand that the player pays all expenses for All-Stars. In some instances, eligible players will be asked to try out to help managers better assess the player's talent level.

All post-season play is optional and is not covered by the league registration fees.

Field Dimensions


Base Distance

Pitching Distance

Home 2nDist

Playing Time


4 U




55 minutes


5 & 6




1 Hour


7 & 8




1 Hour & 15minutes


9 & 10




1 Hour & 25minutes


11 & 12




1 Hour & 35Minutes


13 & 14




1 Hour & 45Minutes



League Pitching Rules: Weeks Monday 12:01 AM thru Sun11:59 PM


Fall Season

Spring Season

9 & 10 Year Olds

55 pitches per game

Rest provisions

** See age specific rules

** See age specific rules

11& 12 Year Olds

75 pitches per game

Rest provisions

** See age specific rules

** See age specific rules

13 & 14 Year Olds

*6 outs per game

*18 outs per week

*21 outs per day

*24 outs per week

*14U only- Throwing 1 pitch in an inning will count a minimum of 1 out, regardless if an out is recorded by the pitcher

*14U only-If two pitchers are used in an inning each pitcher will be credited with a minimum of 1 out or any outs that are recorded while they are pitching. The starting pitcher will be credited with 2 outs unless the second pitcher records more than 1 out.

*14U only-If more than two pitchers are used in an inning each pitcher will be credited with a minimum of 1out or any outs that are recorded while they are pitching.

*14U only -There is no penalty if the pitcher exceeds the out limits if a double or triple play occurs when the max number of outs is reached

*All levels- Pitchers may not re-enter the game as a pitcher once they are removed as a pitcher

Double Header Pitch Rule(Regular Season and EOS)

For a player to pitch during2 games in the same day, they must not exceed the pitch count for 0 days rest during the first game. The player can then pitch up to the game limit in the second game. Example: 10UPlayer A pitches 20 pitches in Game 1. Player A can pitch up to 55 pitches in Game 2. Player B pitches 25pitches in Game 1. Player B must rest 1 day before pitching again and cannot pitch in Game 2.



Fall Season Max runs per Inning

Spring Season Max runs per Inning

Run Rules

5 & 6

5 per inning

5 per inning

mathematically eliminated

7 & 8

5 per inning

5 per inning

mathematically eliminated

9 & 10

5 per inning

5 per inning

mathematically eliminated

11 & 12

5 per inning

5 per inning

mathematically eliminated

13 & 14

8 per inning

8 per inning

10 runs after 5thinning

Ending the Game

  1.  If all regulation innings have been completed, or the top half of the final inning is completed with the home team ahead, the game is over. When the time limit is reached, the umpire(s) and both team managers/head coaches will confer to determine if the game will continue. The inning will be completed if the home team is behind. If the home team is ahead and the game is in the top half of an inning, finish the half-inning then determine if the game needs to continue. The game is over if the home team is ahead in the bottom half of the inning, or if either team is ahead by more than 5runs (8 runs for 14U).
  1. Mathematical elimination at any time it is determined by the consensus of the umpire and managers/head coaches that one team is mathematically unable to win the game based on the time remaining and run rules, then the game will be considered complete and scores are frozen as of that time. If managers agree, play can resume for the duration of the allotted time for the benefit of player development and experience.

On Deck Batter

The on-deck hitter is to be in the designated on-deck area located behind the batter at the plate. Example: If a right-handed batter is at-bat, the on-deck batter should be in the designated on-deck area located near the 3rd base dugout.

4 Year Old League

The 4-year-old league is designed to give the youngest players an opportunity to get a feel for the game. Teams will play a 6-8 game schedule, primarily on Saturdays. Scores will not be kept, however, runs will be tracked to know when to switch sides. The team managers/coaches will act as umpires. There is no intent for this to be competitive; it is merely designed to give these young players some exposure to the game. Players will receive uniforms and trophies similar to the rest of the league. There will be no exception to the league age rule. Please see League Age Structure above for requirements. Incrediballs will be used for games.

A 4-year-old who will turn age 5 on or before April 30 of the current league year (fall following calendar year; spring current calendar year) is considered 6U. Players whose birth dates fall outside the published range for the 6Uleague are permitted to play only in the spring 4U league. For safety reasons, no play-up into the 6U league will be permitted during the fall season.

Spring Season


American National
Player Age



As of April 30

Roster Size



Player Selection



Player Protection



Games Played



Game Time



Finish Inning




Runs per inning



Run Rule



Division: Baseball LeagueRules for 4 Year Olds

  1. Home Team takes the third base dugout and keeps the official book.
  2. A Riff or Incrediball style baseball will be used.
  3. Catchers are required to wear a catchers helmet or batters helmet.
  4. Game will last 55 minutes, and should complete the inning.
  5. All players will be used in the field. Extra players will be used in the outfield.
  6. No player may play more than 1 defensive inning at the same infield position during a game, (player may play 1 inning at 1st and 1 inning at SS, but cannot play 2 innings at 1st).
  7. Managers should attempt to move players every inning to give them equal playing time at different positions
  8. If a team only has 9 players the catcher position does not have to be filled.
  9. Two coaches are allowed in the field of play while on defense. A third coach may remain in foul territory in the infield area but may not enter the field of play.
  10. Pitchers must have one foot on the pitching rubber when the batter swings the bat. Pitcher must make a pitching motion towards the plate prior to the batter batting the ball. Umpires / Coaches will call pitcher pitch, batter bat.
  11. Outfielders must be positioned no closer than 15 behind the base paths and may not tag or make a play at a base. The outfielder must throw the ball to an infielder and the infielder must make the play.
  12. The ball is dead, and runners may not advance when any defensive player attempts to throw the ball.
  13. Teams must bat their entire roster. Managers are encouraged to rotate batting orders between games to allow players to get a fair share of at bats.
  14. Batters missing an at bat will not result in an out
  15. Players arriving late should be added to the bottom of the batting order.
  16. Each batter must put the ball in play. There are no strikeouts.
  17. Coaches are responsible for removing the tee during a play at home plate.
  18. All games will be played with the same batting tee to be provided by league.  In the event a league provided batting tee is not available, coaches will agree to share the same tee to be used by both teams.
  19. The batting tee must be placed on the center of home plate and coaches will only be allowed to adjust the tee vertically for height adjustments.  Coaches will not be allowed to strategically position on home plate.
  20. The ball must cross the IN BOUND line 10 in front of home plate or it will be a foul ball.
  21. Players may not lead off or leave the base prior to ball being hit.
  22. There will be no head first slides when advancing a base; diving to return to a base is permitted. A player sliding headfirst will be called out.
  23. Teams must have a minimum of 6 players at the schedule game time, otherwise it is a forfeit. If needed a team may borrow players from another 4U team.
  24. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above, may result in a 1 game suspension

Division: Baseball League Rules for 5 & 6 Year Olds

Fall Season
Spring Season


American National American National

Player Age

5 & 6

5 & 6

5 & 6

5 & 6

As of April 30

Roster Size













Min 4 max 6


Min 4 max 6







Game Time

1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

1 Hour

Finish Inning *






Runs per inn.





Run Rule

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

*** IF home team is behind and neither team is mathematically eliminated

Note If there are not enough teams to support both an American and National League, the leagues will be merged and the National League protection limits will be used.

  1. Home Team takes the third base dugout and keeps official book, both teams set up the field if needed.
  2. A regulation baseball will be used.
  3. Catchers are required to wear a catchers helmet or batters helmet.
  4. If the time limit has been reached or either team is mathematically out of the game the game should be called. In the event of a mathematical elimination before time expires play will continue until time expires if both coaches agree to continue for player experience and development. The score will be frozen at the point of mathematical elimination. All players will be used in the field. Extra players will be used in the outfield.
  5. No player may play more than 2 defensive innings at the same infield position during a game, (player may play 2 innings at 1st and 2 innings at SS, but cannot play 3 innings at 1st). During an inning, a player is considered played at that position if he fields it for an official swing. Violation of this rule may result in Manager Suspension and forfeiture of the game.
  6. All players must start and finish at least 2 innings in the infield during the first 4 innings unless he is removed from the infield because of injury (this would waive the finish requirement for that inning,) or the manager determines that the child is a safety risk (PARENT and Manager must get waiver from the Commissioner prior to the game. If a player does not get an opportunity to play the infield due to lack of time, then that player must start in the infield at the next game. The player would still get his two innings plus the missed inning from the previous game.
  7. Any team playing with at least 10 players must field all defensive positions including the catcher position. If a team only has 9 players the catcher position does not have to be filled.
  8. Before the start of the game managers are required to provide the opposing manager with their batting lineup and defensive positions for 6 innings. The lineup should include both the player’s name as shown on the jersey and player number. Changes to the defensive lineup may be made during the game but changes must be brought to the attention of the umpire, opposing coach and official score keeper.
  9. American League ONLY While on defense, two coaches are allowed in the outfield. A third coach may remain in foul territory within the porch of the dugout and 3 feet from the fence. No coach may enter the infield/infield area during live play. National League ONLY No Coaches are allowed in the outfield. Coaches may remain in foul territory within the porch of the dugout and 3 feet from the fence. No coach may enter the infield/infield area during live play.
  10. Pitchers must have one foot on the pitching rubber when the batter swings the bat. The pitcher must make a pitching motion towards the plate prior to the batter batting the ball. Umpires will call pitcher pitch, batter bat.
  11. Pitchers must throw the ball to first, second or third base. The pitcher may not throw or roll grounders to any base to avoid the risk of a throw. The runner will be called safe if the umpire, in their judgment, did not attempt a throw. The pitcher may not tag a batter/runner going to first, second or third base unless in the judgment of the umpire it would resemble a real baseball play.
  12. Outfielders must be positioned no closer than 15 behind the base paths and may not tag or make a play at a base. The outfielder must throw the ball to an infielder and the infielder must make the play.
  13. The play is dead when the ball is in the possession of an infielder in the infield and the umpire determines that the infielder in possession is not making an attempt at a defensive play.  There is no requirement to hold up the ball but that is a clear signal no attempt at a defensive play is being made. When the umpire rules a play is dead, a runner is allowed to advance if they are halfway or further towards the next base. It is the umpire’s discretion to determine if the runner is allowed to advance or must return to the prior base.
  14. All overthrows into foul territory may result in no more than a 2 base advancement from the time of the pitch for the batter, or any runner on base. Any runner attempting to advance does so at their own risk of being put out. Subsequent plays (overthrows, errors, etc.) will not remove this limitation.

    EXAMPLE 1: No runners on base. Batter (B) hits ground ball to SS who throws ball into foul territory behind 1st base. 1B fields ball and throws to 2B. If 2Bfields the ball and tags B prior to Breaching 2nd, B is out. If 2B does not field ball and it continues into the outfield, B may not advance beyond 2nd. If B attempts to advance they are at risk of put out. Once the umpire has ruled the play dead, any players who advanced greater than allowed will be returned. In this example the runner would be returned to 2nd.

    EXAMPLE 2:  Runners at 1st & 2nd (R1/R2). Batter (B) hits ground ball to 2B who throws ball into foul territory behind 3rd base. 3B fields ball and throws to 2B. If2B fields the ball and tags B prior to B reaching 2nd, B is out and R1 may not advance beyond 3rdbase. If 2B does not field ball and it continues into the outfield, B may not advance beyond 2nd and R1 may not advance beyond 3rd. If either runner attempts to advance beyond their base limitation, they due so at their own risk of being put out. Once the umpire has ruled the play dead, any players who advanced greater than allowed will be returned. R2 may score in this example.

  15. Teams must bat their entire roster.
  16. Each batter will receive up to 5 swings off the tee; If the 5th swing is foul, batter is out. National League ONLY The batter is NOT allowed to measure up to the ball once it is placed on the tee. If the batter does measure up to the ball, it will be counted as a strike.
  17. Coaches are responsible for removing the tee during a play at home plate. If a runner attempts to score and the tee has not been removed the runner will be called out and no run will be scored.
  18. One warning will be given to a player throwing the bat. Next thrown bat by the same player will be called an out. The ball will be ruled as a dead ball and no runners may advance.
  19. All games will be played with the same batting tee to be provided by league.  In the event a league provided batting tee is not available, coaches will agree to share the same tee to be used by both teams.
  20. The batting tee must be placed on the center of home plate and coaches will only be allowed to adjust the tee vertically for height adjustments.  Coaches will not be allowed to strategically position on home plate.
  21. 18.The ball must cross the IN BOUND line 10 in front of home plate or it will be a foul ball.
  22. A team shall be permitted a maximum of 5 runs in any 1/2 inning. The 1/2 inning shall end and the other team shall bat. EXCEPTION: If a batter hits a homerun OVER THE FENCE (not in the park) in any half-inning that team will receive benefit of all runs scored as a result of the homerun. The homerun must be over the fence (not in the park). While this creates the possibility of scoring a maximum of 8 runs in an inning the 5 run limit applies when calculating mathematical elimination.
  23. Players may not lead off or leave the base prior to the ball being hit. Leaving early will result in an out.
  24. There will be no head-first slides when advancing a base; diving to return to a base is permitted. A player sliding headfirst will be called out.
  25. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players at the scheduled game time otherwise it is a forfeit. Players showing up late will be added to the bottom of the roster. No outs will be recorded due to lack of players in the 9th or 10th spot.
  26. Players that leave a game for any reason that results in them missing their at bat should be brought to the attention of the umpire and the other team prior to the at bat, no out will be recorded.
  27. If a game ends in a tie and there is time left on the clock the Texas tiebreaker will be played for 1 inning (last 3 batters load the bases with 2 outs, 5 run maximum for the inning). If no time is left on the clock, the game will be recorded as a tie. Does not apply for Fall League.
  28. Intentional walks are not allowed.
  29. A coach may be at home plate to assist the batter in getting set up at the tee, but the coach may not physically position the batter in such a manner as to direct the hit in a particular direction. The coach cannot physically set the batter to "pull" the ball, etc. The coach may tell the batter where he wants the ball to go and if the batter can position himself to hit it there, that is acceptable. The coach may not draw lines or make marks in the batter's box to indicate to the batter where to place his feet in order to hit the ball in a particular direction.
    The batters feet must be completely within the batters box at the time the ball is contacted
  30. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above, may result in a 1 game suspension

Division: Baseball League Rules for 7 & 8 year olds

Fall Season Spring Season Notes
American National American National

Player Age

& 8

& 8

& 8

& 8

As of April 30

Roster Size





Selection Draft







Min 9 max 10


min 9 max 10







Game Time





Finish Inning *






Runs per inn.





Run Rule

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

***IF home team is behind and neither team is mathematically eliminated

Note If there are not enough teams to support both an American and National League, the leagues will be merged and the National League protection limits will be used.

  1. Home Team takes the third base dugout and keeps official book.
  2. Infield warm-ups are restricted to 5 minutes with the visiting team taking the field first. Due to time constraints the umpire may not allow or cut short this time.
  3. There are double cages located outside the outfield fence of Ebbets and Wrigley fields. During the one hour period prior to game start, each team is eligible to have use of a single, dedicated cage for the full hour.
  4. No player may play more than 2 defensive innings at the same infield position during a game, (player may play 2 innings at 1st and 2 innings at SS, but cannot play 3 innings at 1st). During an inning, a player is considered played at that position if he fields it for an official pitch, (i.e. 1 batter SS then moved to 1st for the rest of the inning, would count for an inning at both, even though it is only 1 inning played.) Violation of this rule may result in Manager Suspension and forfeiture of the game.
  5. All players must start and finish at least 2 innings in the infield during the first 4 innings unless he is removed from the infield because of injury (this would waive the finish requirement for that inning,) or the manager determines that the child is a safety risk (PARENT and Manager must get waiver from the Commissioner prior to game. If a player does not get an opportunity to play the infield due to lack of time, then that player must start in the infield at the next game.
  6. Before the start of the game managers are required to provide the opposing manager with their batting lineup and defensive positions for 6 innings. The lineup should include both the player’s name as shown on the jersey and player number. Changes to the defensive lineup may be made during the game but changes must be brought to the attention of the umpire, opposing coach and official score keeper.
  7. Teams must bat entire roster.
  8. There are no Intentional walks.
  9. If the time limit has been reached or either team is mathematically out of the game the game should be called. In the event of a mathematical elimination before time expires play will continue until time expires if both coaches agree to continue for player experience and development. The score will be frozen at the point of mathematical elimination, pitch counts where applicable will continue to be logged and the umpire(s) shall continue to officiate play.
  10. Players will be used in the field with the extra player playing the outfield. Outfielders must be evenly spaced; outfielders must be no closer than 15 behind the base paths when the ball is pitched.
  11. The catcher position must always be played; catcher must be in full gear. NATIONAL LEAGUE ONLY, catcher must be positioned within 4 feet of home plate and in a squatted position, cups are required. If an AMERICAN LEAGUE team opts to play their catcher back further than 4 feet or in a standing position that catcher may not catch a pop fly for an out. 11. Pitcher must have one foot on the pitching mound dirt circle when the ball is pitched.
  12. Batters receive a total of 5 pitches or 3 strikes; whichever comes first. The batter is out if the 3rd strike is a swinging miss, or the batter fails to swing at the fifth pitch. Batter will not strike out if the fifth (or later) pitch is a foul ball, thus batter will continue at bat until they strike out, put the ball in play, or fail to swing at the last pitch.
  13. A team shall be permitted a maximum of 5 runs in any 1/2 inning. The 1/2 inning shall end and the other team shall bat. EXCEPTION: If a batter hits a homerun OVER THE FENCE (not in the park) in any half-inning that team will receive benefit of all runs scored as a result of the homerun. The homerun must be over the fence (not in the park). While this creates the possibility of scoring a maximum of 8 runs in an inning the 5 run limit applies when calculating mathematical elimination.
  14. The play is dead when the ball is in possession of an infielder in the infield, the LEAD runner has stopped/hesitated forward progress, and the umpire determines that the infielder in possession is not making an attempt at a defensive play.
  15. One warning will be given to a player throwing the bat. Next thrown bat by the same player will be called an out. The ball will be ruled as a dead ball and no runners may advance.
  16. 16.Players may not lead off or leave a base prior to ball being crossing home plate. Leaving early will result in an out; if the ball is hit it will be ruled a dead ball no pitch, batter returns to plate with the same count before the last swing.
  17. There will be no head first slides when advancing a base; diving to return to a base is permitted. A player sliding headfirst will be called out.
  18. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players at the scheduled game time otherwise it is a forfeit. Players showing up late will be added to the bottom of the roster. No outs will be recorded due to lack of players in the 9th or 10th spot.
  19. Players that leave a game for any reason that results in them missing their at bat should be brought to the attention of the umpire and the other team prior to the at bat. No out will be recorded for missing an at bat, however the player may not re-enter the game offensively or defensively.
  20. Coach Pitchers pitch to their own team and must start with one foot on the rubber and throw overhand; coaches are encouraged to throw BBs, not rainbow pitches.
  21. Coach Pitchers are considered pitching machines but are allowed to speak to batters in between pitches; The communication can be directed to hitting adjustments but must stop when in contact with the pitching rubber; coach pitchers are encouraged to tell a player to slide at home plate when there is a play, they should also remove bats.
  22. Coach Pitchers should exit the field upon contact, avoiding the play. A ball that hits a Coach Pitcher will be a foul ball, runners do not advance.
  23. Bunting is not allowed, if the ball is bunted in the umpires opinion the ball will be called a dead ball and the batter will be called out, no runners may advance.
  24. There is no infield fly rule.
  25. Runners must avoid contact with fielders unless they are sliding into a base- if the runner does not slide and contact is initiated the runner will be called out by the umpire. Intentional or malicious contact in the umpires opinion can result in an ejection of the player.
  26. If a game ends in a tie and there is time left on the clock the Texas tiebreaker will be played for 1 inning (last 3 batters load the bases with 1 out, 5 run maximum for the inning). If no time is left on the clock, the game will be recorded as a tie. Does not apply for Fall League.
  27. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above, may result in a 1 game suspension

Division: Baseball League Rules for 9 & 10 year olds

Fall Season
Spring Season Notes
American National American National

Player Age

9 & 10

9 &10

9 & 10

9 & 10

As of April 30

Roster Size





Pitch Limits

See guidelines below

See guidelines below

See guidelines below

See guidelines below



Min 9 max 10


Min 9 max 10





Game Time





Finish inning *

Runs per inn.





Run Rule

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

*** IF home team is behind and neither team is mathematically eliminated

Note - If there are not enough teams to support both an American and National League, the leagues will be merged and the National League protection limits will be used.

  1. Home Team takes the third-base dugout and keeps the official book
  2. Infield warm-ups are restricted to5 minutes with the visiting team taking the field first. Due to time constraints the umpire may not allow or cut short this time.
  3. Batting cages are assigned to the visiting team first for 25 minutes starting 1 hour before game time and then the home team.
  4. Warming up on the field mound before the game has started is prohibited.
  5. No player can sit 2 consecutive innings unless due to injury, disability, mutual agreement with player and coach, or a discipline issue. Managers should notify the other team if this is in effect.
  6. Teams must bat the entire roster. There are free defensive substitutions.
  7. If the time limit has been reached or either team is mathematically out of the game the game should be called. In the event of a mathematical elimination before time expires play will continue until time expires if both coaches agree to continue for player experience and development. The score will be frozen at the point of mathematical elimination, pitch counts where applicable will continue to be logged and the umpire(s) shall continue to officiate play.
  8. One warning will be given to a player throwing the bat. Next thrown bat by the same player will be called an out. The ball will be ruled as a dead ball and no runners may advance.
  9. No head first slides when advancing a base; diving to return to a base is permitted. A player sliding headfirst will be called out.
  10. A team shall be permitted a maximum of 5 runs in any 1/2 inning. The 1/2 inning shall end and the other team shall bat. EXCEPTION: If a batter hits a homerun OVER THE FENCE(not in the park) in any half-inning that team will receive the benefit of all runs scored as a result of the home run. The homerun must be over the fence (not in the park). While this creates the possibility of scoring a maximum of 8 runs in an inning the 5 run limit applies when calculating mathematical elimination.
  11. Teams must have a minimum of 8players at the scheduled game time otherwise it is a forfeit. Players showing up late will be added to the bottom of the roster. An out will be recorded for the 9thposition in the batting order if it is not filled.
  12. Players that leave a game due to an injury that results in them missing their at-bat should be brought to the attention of the umpire and the other team prior to the at-bat. No out will be recorded for missing an at-bat, however, the player may not re-enter the game offensively or defensively.
  13. Runners must avoid contact with fielders unless they are sliding into a base- if the runner does not slide and contact is initiated the runner will be called out by the umpire. Intentional or malicious contact in the umpire's opinion can result in an ejection of the player.
  14. A manager or coach may go onto the playing field to talk to any player or players a maximum of one(1)time in a half-inning while the same player is pitching without making a pitching change. More than one (1)trip onto the playing field will require a pitching change, regardless of which player the manager or coach visits. The only exception to this rule is in case of injury and the umpire has called time.
  15. National League ONLY Batters can advance to first base on a dropped third strike. American League ONLYBatter cannot advance to first base on a dropped third strike, the ball will be considered live for runners on base.
  16. If a player leaves a game early they will be removed from the batting order with no penalty unless that causes the team to have only 8players; in which case an automatic out shall be recorded
  17. A calendar week is from 12:01 A.M. Monday to 11:59 P.M. the following Sunday.
  18. If a pitcher hits 2 batters in one inning or hits 3 batters in one game the pitcher must be replaced.
  19. No suicide stealing of home plate this is a judgment call by the umpire which will result in the runner being called out and the 3rdbase coach being removed from the game. (Runners on 3rdbase can advance to home when the catcher has the ball when ball has gotten past the catcher, or if the batter puts the ball in play).
  20. Courtesy runners can be used for the catcher when there are 2 outs.
  21. No Metal cleats, protective cups are required for all catchers and recommended for all players.
  22. If a game ends in a tie and there is time left on the clock the Texas tiebreaker will be played for 1inning (last 3 batters load the bases with 1 out, 5 run maximum for the inning). If no time is left on the clock, the game will be recorded as a tie. Does not apply for FallLeague.
  23. Every player must play in the infield 1 full inning each game.  This 1 full inning must occur in the first 3 innings.  If time expires prior to the start of the 3rd inning any players who have not played in the infield at that time must play the 1st inning in the next game as well as the mandated inning for the current game during the first 3 innings. Violation of this rule will include manager suspensions or forfeit.
  24. Stealing:
    1. American League Closed Bases
      1. No stealing until the ball crosses the plate- must stay in contact with the base until that point. Should the runner leave early, he will be called out.
    2. National League Open Bases
      1. Runners may leadoff and steal bases. No suicide stealing of home plate this is a judgment call by the umpire which will result in the runner being called out and the 3rdbasecoach being removed from the game.(Runners on 3rd base can advance to home when the catcher has the ball, when ball has gotten past the catcher, or if the batter puts the ball in play).
  25. The visiting team is to track pitches of both teams.
  26. The following pitch count limits apply:
    • 55 pitches per game maximum (may finish a batter that has been started) 61 pitches or more requires3 days rest.
    • 41-60 pitches require 2 days rest.
    • 21-40 pitches require 1-day rest.
    • 20 or less 0 days rest required.

    Pre-season and Mid-season Tournament pitching rules are posted to the CPYL website. Mandatory rest will been forced based on the pitch counts for the player during the tournament. If the pitcher throws on Sunday the rest will begin as of that day base don the entire weekends pitch count. If the player only throws  Saturday the rest begins after that day. Friday tournament games are treated the same as Saturdays.

    1 Day is defined as midnight the day after the pitches were thrown. E.G.-If 42 pitches are thrown Monday night the pitcher will not be eligible again until Thursday.

  27.  At the National league level, balks will be enforced after one courtesy warning per pitcher(The pitcher may have the infraction explained to them by the umpire at their discretion). Balks will not be called in the American League.
  28. Slashing is not allowed. If a batter squares to bunt and swings at the pitch (slashing), with or without runners on base, the batter is out, the runners go back to their previously occupied base, and the third base coach is given a warning. On any subsequent offense, the batter is out, the runners go back to their previously occupied base, and the third base coach is ejected
  29. During regular league play only -each player on a team can be intentionally walked only once per game. This does not apply in any tournament play. Any pitches thrown prior to the walk being called will count against the pitch count; walk can be called by the manager at any time prior to the 4th ball being pitched.
  30. In 10U AL if the player draws a walk, the batter can only advance to first base until the next pitch is thrown. If other runners are on base, they can advance past their awarded base at their own risk. Regardless of what happens after ball 4 the batter/runner must wait until the first pitch of the next at-bat to attempt to advance.
  31. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above may result in a1 game suspension

Division: Baseball League Rules for 11& 12 year olds

Fall Season
Spring Season
American National American National

Player Age

& 12 11&12 &12 As of April 30

Roster Size













min 9 max 10


min 9 max 10

Games Played





Game Time





Finish the Inning ***

Pitching Outs

Guidelines below

Guidelines below

Guidelines below

Guidelines below

Runs per inn.





Run Rule

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

mathematically out

*** IF home team is behind and neither team is mathematically eliminated

Note - If there are not enough teams to support both an American and National League, the leagues will be merged and the National League protection limits will be used.

  1. Home Team takes the third-base dugout and keeps the official book
  2. Infield warm-ups are restricted to 5minutes with the visiting team taking the field first. Due to time constraints the umpire may not allow or cut short this time.
  3. Batting cages are assigned to the visiting team first for 25 minutes starting 1 hour before game time and then the home team.
  4. Warming up on the field mound before the game has started is prohibited.
  5. No player can sit 2 consecutive innings unless due to injury, disability, mutual agreement with player and coach, or a discipline issue. Managers should notify the other team if this is in effect.
  6. Teams must bat the entire roster. There are free defensive substitutions.
  7. A team shall be permitted a maximum of5 runs in any 1/2 inning. The 1/2 inning shall end and the other team shall bat. EXCEPTION: If a batter hits a homerun OVER THE FENCE (not in the park) in any half-inning that team will receive benefit of all runs scored as a result of the home run. The homerun must be over the fence (not in the park). While this creates the possibility of scoring a maximum of 8 runs in an inning the 5 run limit applies when calculating mathematical elimination.
  8. If the time limit has been reached or either team is mathematically out of the game the game should be called. In the event of a mathematical elimination before time expires play will continue until time expires if both coaches agree to continue for player experience and development. The score will be frozen at the point of mathematical elimination, pitch counts where applicable will continue to be logged and the umpire(s) shall continue to officiate play.
  9. One warning will be given to a player throwing the bat. Next thrown bat by the same player will be called an out. The ball will be ruled as a dead ball and no runners may advance.
  10. Players may not advance using a headfirst slide when advancing a base; diving to return to a base is permitted. A player advancing on a headfirst slide will be called out.
  11. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players at the scheduled game time otherwise it is a forfeit. Players showing up late will be added to the bottom of the roster. An out will be recorded for the 9thposition in the batting order if it is not filled.
  12. Players that leave a game due to an injury that results in their missing their at-bat should be brought to the attention of the umpire and the other team prior to the at-bat. No out will be recorded for missing an at-bat, however, the player may not re-enter the game offensively or defensively.
  13. Runners must avoid contact with fielders unless they are sliding into abase- if the runner does not slide and contact is initiated the runner will be called out by the umpire. Intentional or malicious contact in the umpire's opinion can result in an ejection of the player.
  14. A manager or coach may go onto the playing field to talk to any player or players a maximum of one (1)time in a half-inning while the same player is pitching without making a pitching change. More than one (1)trip onto the playing field will require a pitching change, regardless of which player the manager or coach visits. The only exception to this rule is in case of injury and the umpire has called time.
  15. If a player leaves a game early they will be removed from the batting order with no penalty unless that causes the team to have only 8 players; in which case an automatic out shall be recorded. The Umpire should be notified.
  16. A calendar week is from 12:01 A.M. Monday to 11:59 P.M. the following Sunday.
  17. If a pitcher hits 2 batters in one inning or hits 3 batters in one game the pitcher is removed from the game.
  18. The visiting team is to track pitches of both teams.
  19. Pitching past the posted limits will result in the forfeiture of the game if it is brought to the attention of the umpire prior to the end of the game, or when discovered by a league official at any time
    • 75 pitches per game maximum (may finish a batter that has been started) 66pitches or more requires 3 days rest.
    • 46-65 pitches require 2 days rest.
    • 26-45 pitches require 1-day rest.
    • 25 or less 0 days rest required.

    Pre-season and Mid-season Tournament pitching rules are posted to the CPYL website. Mandatory rest will been forced based on the pitch counts for the player during the tournament. If the pitcher throws on Sunday the rest will begin as of that day based on the entire weekends pitch count. If the player only throws Saturday the rest begins after that day. Friday tournament games are treated the same as Saturdays.

    1 Day is defined as midnight the day after the pitches were thrown. E.G.- If42 pitches are thrown Monday night the pitcher will not be eligible again until Wednesday.

  20. Runners may lead off and steal bases. No suicide stealing of home plate this is a judgment call by the umpire which will result in the runner being called out and the 3rdbase coach being removed from the game. (Runners on 3rdbase can advance to home when the catcher has the ball, when the ball has gotten past the catcher, or if the batter puts the ball in play).
  21. Courtesy runners can be used for the catcher with 2 outs.
  22. No Metal cleats. Protective cups are required for all catchers and recommended for all players.
  23. If a game ends in a tie and there is time left on the clock the Texas tiebreaker will be played for 1inning (last 3 batters load the bases with 1 out, 5 run maximum for the inning). If no time is left on the clock, the game will be recorded as a tie. Does not apply for Fall League.
  24. Slashing is not allowed. If a batter squares to bunt and then swings at the pitch (slashing), with or without runners on base, the batter is out, the runners go back to their previously occupied base, and the third base coach is given a warning. On any subsequent offense, the batter is out, the runners go back to their previously occupied base, and the third base coach is ejected.
  25. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above, may result in a 1 game suspension

Division: Baseball League Rules for 13 & 14 year olds

Fall Season Spring Season Notes
American National American National
Player Age 13 & 14 13 & 14 13 & 14 13 & 14 As of April 30
Roster Size 10-12 10-12 10-12 10-12
Player Selection Draft Draft Draft Draft
Player Protection


min 9 max 10* 6 min 9 max 10*
Games Played 8-10 8-10 12-14 12-14
Game Time 1:45 1:45 1:45 1:45 Finish the Inning ***
Pitching Outs Guidelines Below

Guidelines Below

Guidelines Below Guidelines Below
Runs per inning 8 8 8 8
Run Rule 10after the 5th inning 10 after the 5th inning

*** IF home team is behind and neither team is mathematically eliminated

Note If there are not enough teams to support both an American and National League, the leagues will be merged and the National League protection limits will be used.

  1. Home Team takes the third base dugout and keeps the official book
  2. Infield warm-ups are restricted to 5 minutes with the visiting team taking the field first. Due to time constraints the umpire may not allow or cut short this time.
  3. Batting cages are assigned to the visiting team first for 25 minutes starting 1hour before game time and then the home team.
  4. Warming up on the field mound before the game has started is prohibited.
  5. No player can sit 2consecutive innings unless due to injury, disability, mutual agreement with player and coach, or a discipline issue. Managers should notify the other team if this is in effect.
  6. Teams must bat entire roster. There are free defensive substitutions.
  7. team shall be permitted a maximum of 8 runs in any 1/2 inning. The 1/2 inning shall end and the other team shall bat. EXCEPTION: If a batter hits a homerun OVER THE FENCE (not in the park) in any half inning that team will receive benefit of all runs scored as a result of the homerun. The homerun must be over the fence (not in the park). While this creates the possibility of scoring a maximum of 11 runs in an inning the 8 run limit applies when calculating mathematical elimination.
  8. 8.If the time limit has been reached or either team is mathematically out of the game should be called. In the event of mathematical elimination before time expires play will continue until time expires if both coaches agree to continue for player experience and development. The score will be frozen at the point of mathematical elimination, pitch counts where applicable will continue to be logged and the umpire(s) shall continue to officiate play.
  9. One warning will be given to a player throwing the bat. Next thrown bat by the same player will be called an out. The ball will be ruled as a dead ball and no runners may advance.
  10. Players may advance using ahead first slide.
  11. Teams must have a minimum of 8 players at the scheduled game time otherwise it is a forfeit.Players showing up late will be added to the bottom of the roster. About will be recorded for the9th position in the batting order if it is not filled.
  12. Players that leave a game due to an injury that result in their missing their at bat should be brought to the attention of the umpire and the other team prior to the at-bat. No out will be recorded for missing an at-bat, however, the player may not re-enter the game offensively or defensively.
  13. Runners must avoid contact with fielder unless they are sliding into abase- if the runner does not slide and contact is initiated the runner will be called out by the umpire. Intentional or malicious contact in the umpire's opinion can result in an ejection of the player.
  14. A manager or coach may go onto the playing field to talk to any player or players a maximum of one(1) time in a half-inning while the same player is pitching without making a pitching change. More than one(1)trip onto the playing field will require a pitching change, regardless of which player the manager or coach visits. The only exception to this rule is in case of injury and the umpire has called time.
  15. If a player leaves a game early they will be removed from the batting order with no penalty unless that causes the team to have only 8players; in which case an automatic out shall be recorded. The Umpire should be notified.
  16. A calendar week is from12:01 A.M. Monday to 11:59 P.M. the following Sunday.
  17. If a pitcher has exceeded their pitch limit in accordance with the rules, the umpire will be notified, the game will be stopped and the pitcher will be removed from the game, the game will continue and there will be NO forfeit. A coach violating pitch count rules may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension of the following game.
  18. Pitching Limits
    • 95 pitches per game maximum (may finish a batter that has been started) 71 pitches or more requires 3 days rest.
    • 51-70 pitches require 2 days rest.
    • 31-50 pitches require 1-day rest.
    • 30 or less 0 days rest required.
  19. If a pitcher hits 2 batters in one inning or hits 3 batters in one game the pitcher is removed from the game.
  20. A pitcher removed from the pitching position may not return to pitch again in that game.
  21. Runners may lead off and steal bases. No suicide stealing of home plate this is a judgment call by the umpire which will result in the runner being called out and the 3rdbase coach being removed from the game. (Runners on 3rdbase can advance to home when the catcher has the ball, when the ball has gotten past the catcher, or if the batter puts the ball in play).
  22. Courtesy runners can be used for the catcher with 2outs.
  23. Metal cleats are allowed. Players with metal cleats should make every attempt when sliding to keep the cleats down to avoid injuring the defensive player(s). Metal cleats are not allowed while pitching. Protective cups are required for all catchers and recommended for all players.
  24. If a game ends in a tie and there is time left on the clock the Texas tiebreaker will be played for 1inning (last 3batters load the bases with 1out, 5 run maximum for the inning). If no time is left on the clock, the game will be recorded as a tie. Does not apply for Fall League.
  25. Slashing is not allowed. If a batter squares to bunt and then swings at the pitch(slashing), with or without runners on base, the batter is out, the runners go back to their previously occupied base, and the third base coach is given a warning. On any subsequent offense, the batter is out, the runners go back to their previously occupied base, and the third-base coach is ejected.
  26. Failure to comply with any of the rules stated above may result in a1 game suspension

Division: Baseball Select Teams

The Baseball Committee recommends the Select Managers and the Board approves the Select Managers.

Select team players are handpicked by the select team manager.

A Select team must hold an open tryout that is advertised by the League if the team's roster consists of less than 10 confirmed players.

The team manager determines the size of their roster. Select teams register all their players with the league and then play in local and area tournaments. They also play in local select leagues against other select teams in the area.

Teams are required to cover their own cost for uniforms, tournaments, and travel. Select teams registered with CPYL receives insurance, access to league resources, and access to practice times on the game fields. Select teams are governed by the rules and regulations of the Select League that they play in and the tournaments that they participate in.

Change History

Change History
Date Editor Comment
1/24/2012 John Engquist
  • Updated the League Age Structure table with correct dates; specifically kid pitch 9/10
8/20/2012 John Engquist
  • Stradford updated some sections regarding outs vs. pitches
  • Engquist updated the title, header, and footer prior to publication.
8/24/2012 John Engquist
  • Updated the League Age table with updated years. Must be done each fall.
9/27/2012 Robert Stradford
  • Updated tables in 10U and 12U to reflect pitch count to pitched outs.
1/8/2012 Cullen Seitz
  • 6u Changes in draft format. Defined Substitution Rules
  • 8u Defined Substitution Rules, added no intentional walks.
9/4/2013 Hogan Wong
  • Updated the League Age table with updated years.
  • Must be done each Fall.
  • Revised the Borrowed Player rule.
  • Revised Badge Policy - will not enforce Fall 2013 season.
2/14/2014 Hogan Wong
  • Revised rule 13 in 5u/6u tee ball.
  • Added rules 29 & 30 in 9u/10u Kid Pitch.
  • Deleted references to Badge Policy.
9/1/2014 Zach Berndlmaier
  • Updated Baseball Committee contributors
  • Updated 8U Rule #20
  • Adjusted 12U Run Rule elimination
9/18/2014 Zach Berndlmaier
  • Updated Table on pg12 to reflect the 3 runs per inning max during the fall season.
1/31/2015 Zach Berndlmaier
  • Update Mathematical elimination play to time limit
  • Update to 10U NL Open Bases
  • Update 2015 dates, including age / birthdate
2/12/2015 Zach Berndlmaier
  • Added the NL manager & parent requirement
  • Updated 10U R26 for balk enforcement in the NL
7/15/2015 Hogan Wong Made applicable updates from Spring 2015 to Fall 2015.
  • Updated the League Age table with updated years. Must be done each Fall.
7/30/2015 Hogan Wong Removed the following exception clause which expired at the start of Fall 2003 season:
  • Exception – In 2005 most baseball sanctioning bodies elected to change the league age date from July 31 to April 30. The CPYL Board has adopted the new league age but has also allowed players that have birth dates that fall within the May 1 – July 31 dates to play in their designated age group or play in the age group they would have played in under the old cut-off date.
01/23/2016 Hogan Wong
  • Updated Baseball Committee matrix.
  • Inserted new “no touch” rule to 6u: Rule #26.
03/10/2016 Hogan Wong
  • Revised 8u rule #13 (as approved by Baseball Committee and Board of Directors in March 2016 meetings)

07/21/2017 Nathan Ross
  • Updates to League Age table and Baseball
  • Committee representatives for the 2017-2018 year.
  • Minor formatting changes for consistency.
09/04/2017 Nathan Ross Added clarifications and new rules:
  • Park regulations regarding tobacco/tobacco like product use
  • 4 year olds – spring only unless within 6U age cut-off.
  • Draft rule change – AL and single divisions
  • Bat rule – clarified Superseries and updated link; removed t-ball verbiage as no longer applicable (Superseries now includes 6u)
  • Ending the Game – added section and rules
  • Min players required – clarified min necessary at scheduled game start, else forfeit
  • 6u rule #8 – Coaches in field of play clarification
  • 6u rule #12 – Ball/Play Dead clarification
  • 6u rule #13 – Overthrow 2b advancement change/clarification
  • 6u rule #16 – Teel Removal clarification
  • 8u rule #12 – Pitches Received/Batter Out clarification
  • 8u rule #14 – Ball/Play Dead clarification
  • 10u – intentional walk rule clarification
01/09/2018 Jason Newton Updates to 6U and 10U Rules:
  • 10U rule #15 – Dropped 3rd strike for NL only
  • 10U rule #30 – Deleted
  • 6U rule #8 – NL only no coaches in the field
  • 6U rule #15 – NL only no measuring up to ball
07/25/2018 Jason Newton Added clarifications and new rules:
  • 6U Tiebreaker starts with 2 outs
  • 10U AL Fall season max runs per inning = 5
  • All tiebreakers start with last 3 batters on base
12/20/2018 Jason Newton Added clarifications and new rules:
  • 6U protects: Min 4, Max 6
  • 14U rule #23 – Pitchers cannot wear metal cleats
  • Double header pitch rules
  • EOS Playoff rules
  • Suspended game rules
7/30/2019 Jason Newton Added clarifications and new rules:
  • base length
1/1/2020 Jason Newton
  • Updated Bat Rule
2/10/2020 Jason Newton
  • Clarified merged league protect rules
2/10/2020 Jason Newton
  • On-Deck Batter Location
7/29/2020 Jason Newton
  • Select team tryout requirement
7/29/20 Jason Newton
  • Removed Badge Policy
7/29/20 Jason Newton
  • Added requirement to reserve offsite practices with LISD
8/5/22Jose Villarreal
  • Under Team Duties- Coach certification requirements
  • 4U/6U - Tee requirements
  • 10U remove 6 out requirement, & remove NL requirement for pitchers to throw from stretch position unless there is a runner on 3
 9/1/23Stephen Scott
  • Updated the fall 12U pitch count rule to be consistent with the spring
 4/19/24Stephen Scott
  • Updated 6U rule #14 regarding over throws into foul territory to clarify runner expectations


Cedar Park Youth League
1225 Cypress Creek Road 
Cedar Park, Texas 78613

Email: [email protected]

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