No Tolerance Policy Form (PDF)
No Tolerance Acknowledgment Form (PDF)
The Cedar Park Youth League (CPYL) Board strives to create a positive baseball and softball experience that you and your children will remember for years to come. To help create this positive environment CPYL has established a strict “No Tolerance Policy” that everyone in the league is required to acknowledge and uphold.
- I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for all children, including my own, while participating in youth sports at CPYL. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials, at every game, every practice, and at all other CPYL Events.
- I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my child ahead of my desire to win.
- I will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
- I will avoid “coaching” from the stands and will limit my comments to positive support.
- I will treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability.
- I will help my child enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, participating in team events and helping to maintain the CPYL complex.
- I understand the following items/actions are not tolerated at CPYL or CPYL sponsored activities:
- Alcohol products o Smoking o Profanity
- Unsportsmanlike comments towards managers, coaches, umpires, parents and children
- Yelling at, threatening, or physically attacking a league official, umpire, manager, coach, parent or child
- Entering the field of play or dugout during games without permission of the manager, umpire or league official
- Mistreatment of CPYL property or facilities, including equipment, fields, and buildings
- I understand that the umpires are here for the kids and the game. I will not question their calls or make unsportsmanlike comments towards the umpire. I understand that the league provides guidelines for the team manager to address umpires, and I will not approach an umpire during or after a game to question their calls.
- I understand that I should provide guidance to this policy to family and friends that I invite to CPYL.
- I understand that if I fail to follow the items listed above, I could be ejected from the CPYL property.
- I understand that if I am ejected, I must leave the CPYL complex immediately. I understand that depending on the cause for ejection, I may be suspended for a minimum of one game in addition to the game from which I am ejected, and up to permanent suspension from the league based on the “CPYL Policy Regarding Ejection of a Player, Parent or Coach from a Game”.
- I understand that until I sign the “No Tolerance Policy” my child may not participate in games at CPYL.
CPYL Policy Regarding Ejection of a Player, Parent, or Coach from a Game
(i.e. “The No Tolerance Rule”)
CPYL has NO TOLERANCE for treating umpires, coaches, players or parents with bad behavior. The following Rules are In Addition to Those Listed in the CPYL No Tolerance Policy Signed by Parents and Coaches Prior to Each Season
- Coaches are responsible for the behavior of other coaches and players on their team.
- Coaches should make a reasonable effort to control the parents of players on their team.
- If a parent gets out of line, the coach may be asked to leave the game.
Coaches need to keep their parents in check to the extent possible. - Coaches are expected to uphold the CPYL No Tolerance Policy at all times, which includes attempting to calm a situation that may involve coaches from the same team.
Note: The safety and well-being of a player takes precedence in an unruly situation; special consideration will be given to a coach that is unable to calm a situation when tending to a player - Coaches are required to tell parents before the season begins that they too are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship, and that rules regarding suspensions are in place.
Suspensions Resulting from an Ejection or No Tolerance Violation:
For the purpose of these penalties, the fall and spring will each be considered one Season; All Stars will be considered part of the Spring Season. For tracking of offenses, the calendar year begins on the date of the first offense and will be tracked for one year (12 consecutive months).
- Arguing with an Umpire or any other Official, OR any violation of the No Tolerance Policy NOT specifically mentioned in one of the items below:
- First offense will cause an automatic suspension for all games the day of the ejection, PLUS the next scheduled game including tournament play/playoffs. In the event the offense occurs outside of a game, the suspension will be in effect for the next scheduled regular season game or league tournament/playoff game.
- Second offense will cause an automatic suspension for all games the day of ejection, PLUS the next two (2) scheduled games including tournament play/playoffs. Further, a second offense may result in suspension for remainder of the season at the discretion of the CPYL Board’s Executive Committee.
- Third offense will cause an automatic suspension for the remainder of the season. If the violation occurs during playoffs, then the suspension will include the following season (i.e. the next fall or spring).
Excessive profanity or abusive language:
- First offense will cause an automatic suspension for all games the day of the ejection, PLUS the next two (2) scheduled games including tournament play/playoffs. In the event the offense occurs outside of a game, the suspension will be in effect for the next two (2) scheduled regular season games or league tournament/playoff games.
- Second offense will cause an automatic suspension for all games for the remainder of the season (i.e. fall or spring) including league tournaments/playoffs. If the violation occurs during playoffs, then the suspension will include the following season (i.e. the next fall or spring).
- Third offense (in a subsequent season) will cause an automatic suspension for all games for the remainder of that season (i.e. fall or spring) and the following season (i.e. fall or spring).
- Note: it is up to the Board of Directors’ Executive Committee to determine, based on reports available of the incident, what is deemed to be “excessive profanity” or abusive language. The decision of the Board is final.
- Physical abuse of an Umpire, Official, or another parent will cause immediate permanent suspension from CPYL and possible charges filed.
- Threatening physical abuse/violence toward another person (umpire/official, coach, parent, player, etc.):
- First offense will cause an automatic suspension for all games for the remainder of the season (i.e. fall or spring) including league tournaments/playoffs. If the violation occurs during playoffs, then the suspension will include the following season (i.e. the next fall or spring).Second offense (in a subsequent season) will cause an automatic permanent suspension from CPYL.
Rules for Suspensions:
- All umpires involved with an ejection must provide a written report outlining reasons / circumstances for the ejection. The report will be reviewed by the Baseball or Softball Commissioner and may be discussed with the baseball and/or softball committee if appropriate.
- The Player, Parent, or Coach ejected will automatically be placed on a tentative suspension pending any appeals or final outcome by the CPYL Board of Directors’ Executive Committee. This will be done per the rules identified above. The player, parent or coach will be notified in writing of the intended suspension and will be provided an opportunity to respond. Written correspondence will include information about the appeals process.
- The Player, Parent, or Coach ejected is encouraged to provide written feedback to the age-specific commissioner about their involvement in the incident. This too may be shared with the CPYL Board of Directors’ Executive Committee, and under circumstances not involving a clear rule violation, the Executive Committee may allow for a hearing in which the ejected party may appeal in person. Hearings are neither a right nor guaranteed.
- Note that a child/player may be removed from a team or suspended because of the inappropriate actions of a parent.
- Removal from a game due to a baseball rule interpretation (i.e., suicide steal of home or player initiating contact) is covered under CPYL baseball rules (see Rules and Structure Document on CPYL website). Removal due to a rules violation will occur for that game only. If, however, a coach or player is subsequently ejected from a game due to arguing the rules call or removal from a game, then the rules outlining ejections and suspensions herein are enforced.
- ALL Parents, Managers and Coaches must sign the ‘No Tolerance Policy’ prior to the start of each season, and they are expected to act within those guidelines!
- Prior to the start of practices for the upcoming season, coaches will be given a copy of the League’s “No Tolerance Rule” with penalties for review and acknowledgment by signature that they will abide by this policy.
- Officials are required to conduct themselves in a businesslike, sportsmanlike, impartial and constructive manner at all times. The actions of an official must be above reproach. Actions such as “baiting” or inciting players or coaches are strictly prohibited. Umpires are ambassadors of the game and must always conduct themselves with this responsibility in mind. If complaints on umpires are warranted, written complaints can be filed with the board member on duty. If not available, comment cards for umpires are located in the concessions stand located between Ebbets and Wrigley baseball fields.
- The Baseball or Softball Committee will have the discretion and authority to prevent any Umpire it deems unsuitable for the League from being used at CPYL.
- Signage approved by the Board will be placed on all dugouts and backstops at CPYL with information on the “No Tolerance Rules”.
- If a manager, coach, parent or other party is suspended due to a No Tolerance Violation, he or she will not be permitted in the ball park or on the grounds of CPYL. The only exception is for the purpose of picking up or dropping off of the child. If said person has another child with a game at a level that is not involved in the suspension, he/she, still, will not be permitted at the park.
- An ejection at a non-CPYL complex will lead to possible suspension per the terms of CPYL’s policy at the discretion of the Baseball or Softball Commissioner and/or the CPYL Board of Directors’ Executive Committee.
- Any violation of a suspension (i.e., coming to the CPYL facility during a scheduled day of suspension) will result in review by the Baseball/Softball Committee and could cause removal of your child from the league for the current season and potentially subsequent seasons.
- Should a person disagree with the suspension(s) handed down by the Commissioner, that person may request a meeting with the CPYL Executive Committee to further discuss the terms of their suspension. The Executive Committee reserves the right to amend the punishment determined by the Commissioner and/or Baseball/Softball Committee. Regardless of the situation, there is never an appropriate time to violate the above requirements of the No Tolerance Policy.
- The CPYL Board of Directors’ Executive Committee reserves the right to modify or amend any penalties for violations of the No Tolerance Policy it deems necessary and justified to protect the players, parents, coaches, and volunteers, or is in the best interest of the CPYL community and organization. Following the review of any appeals/hearings approved by the Executive Committee (see #3 under Rules for Suspensions), the Committee’s decision in these matters is final and non-negotiable.